My list originally included a huge smattering of all the best and worst of the year, but it became so long that I decided to split it into 4 parts. So next week you will see my choices for the most disappointing films of 2015 (not to be confused with the worst films of the year).
I of course preface all of my lists by saying that these are the films that I HAVE SEEN. I have not seen 'Spotlight,' which I hear is exceptional. Nor have I seen 'Trumbo,' 'Steve Jobs,' 'The Walk,' 'Beasts of No Nation,' 'Hateful Eight,' or 'Creed.' If I haven't previously reviewed a film I added additional details. If I have previously reviewed the film I didn't see the need to review it again. Instead I provided a brief description with a link to the full review.
Please feel free to agree or disagree with me in the comment section. This is my list. I'm sure you have your own. Thanks.
This was not necessarily my favorite film this is clear with it's ranking, but considering the year, it was one of the better films released this year. I really wish I had seen another film deserving of this list. 'Bride of Spies' was a good film...but no where near a great one. Clear and concise, 'Bridge of Spies' draws you into the cold war era of 1950's espionage. Nobody does this better than Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks. Nobody. Could it have been more thrilling? Yes. That shouldn't diminish that this was a solid film with a great cast. Had this been a better year for movies, this film may not have made the list. See my full review here.

Before seeing this film it should be noted that there are some things you cannot unsee after watching this film. When I tell you that there is one scene in this film that nearly made me vomit, be afraid, very afraid. The film started off as a wonderful western tale of woe then it descends into abject horror and ultra-violence. The first part of the film is very much a true western. The real surprise comes when the film shifts gears and becomes a horror film in the tradition of 'The Hills Have Eyes.' I personally love the western-horror genre and I wish this mashup was more common, but I haven't seen a film with this level of gore in a very long time. If there's one positive I would note that most of the violence takes place at the very end of the film.
'Bone Tomahawk' will become (if it hasn't already become) a cult classic. The entire cast is fantastic. I say this with great trepidation as I am NOT a fan of Matthew Fox. This is the same Fox who got arrested (and later sued) for punching a female bus driver in the whoo-hoo. Then his 'Lost' co-star openly accused him of beating women...frequently. Considering the 'Party of Five' episode dedicated to domestic violence, I am very disappointed!
It's also an unusual allegation. Most people do not get accused of punching a woman in the vajajay, which leads me to believe that given his documented problems with's likely true. However, I don't feel right about reporting one side of the story. Fox said the woman simply got in the way when he was trying to punch a man. So much better right? So there you have it. There are many forms of bad behavior I can tolerate from celebrities...most of which I consider to be none of my business, but when you punch a woman in the whoo-hoo for not letting you get on a bus because you're drunk that's where I draw the line.
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Plot: Kurt Russell needs no introduction as a rugged honest lawman, Sheriff Franklin Hunt. Russell is the ultimate man's man. In addition to his role as Wyatt Earp in the cult classic 'Tombstone,' and his long acting career, Russell is also a former baseball player, race car driver, and stuntman. Meaning: Russell is perfectly cast in this role. Set in the 1890s, Hunt is sheriff of a small town named Bright Hope. Hunt and his slow, but sweet deputy Chicory (Richard Jenkins) discover there's trouble in 'dem dere hills' when a drifter (David Arquette) comes to town.
They soon learn that the drifter didn't come back alone. The storyline is simple--unsung western heroes mount a rescue mission despite overwhelming odds and unspeakable danger. It's a tried and true formula because it works, deserving of my best of the year list.
This movie made me love Melissa McCarthy. I have never seen a plus-sized action star...until now. There was one scene in this film that made me laugh so hard that I thought I would pass out or pee my pants. One or the other. Perhaps it was because I was watching that scene with my dad who thought he was going to see a 'James Bond'-type film. Sorry daddy. I psyched you out on that one. I don't know, but whatever the reason is, I loved this film. Screw film critic (and overall disgusting human being) Rex Reed for referring to the lovely McCarthy as a "tractor sized" "female hippo."
It did go on about 15 to 30 minutes too long for my taste, but that's ok. I don't typically like Paul Feig comedies, because I don't like potty humor, but this film was so well done. Feig and McCarthy compliment each other so well. It's a funny comedy, but it's never slap stick. It has an edge of seriousness, but it never takes itself seriously. It's one of the few comedies that broke the mold for me. McCarthy's genuineness and warmth really shines through here. It also helps that she had incredible chemistry with Jason Statham. Who would have thunk? The supporting cast is equally incredible. This movie just gives me the "feels."
Plot: CIA analyst Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) goes into the field when her partner Bradley Fine (Jude Law) meets an unfortunately "end." Unprepared and placed in over the top disguises (cat lady), Susan has an adventure like no other.

This movie is one of the most anticipated films this year and thankfully it does not disappoint. Say what you will about director Alejandro Iñárritu--he's a madman, a narcissist, recipient of a groin punch from Tom Hardy, etc. (lots of groin punching going on in this post), but he knows how to make movies. It's likely that he's an insane savant in the same vein of Kubrick. Kubrick also did a film with just natural light, 'Barry Lyndon.' It's a near impossible feat, which is why no one does it. Thankfully, Inarritu has an equally brilliant cinematographer. If Inarritu is the potter, cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki brings the clay to life. The cinematography of this film is stunning.
There are several takes in the film that are absolutely spectacular. I am in awe that Inarritu managed to capture these shots in one take, let alone at all. Leonardo DiCaprio also does exceptional work here. DiCaprio is at his best in this film. You feel his character's sorrow, his will to survive, and his heart wrenching loss. Given his body of work, I do not understand how DiCaprio has not won an Oscar yet. I'm very hopeful that this will be his year. If he doesn't at least get a nomination then I won't be watching the Oscars this year. Hardy does great work here too and is worthy of a best supporting nod. Hardy is sensational as the hair-raising sociopath, John Fitzgerald.
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Glass is a trapper who guides a group through the vast wilderness for fur trapping. When they are attacked the survivors splinter. Through a series of unfortunate events, Glass accidentally stumbles upon a mama bear with cubs. Mama bear does what mama bears do. Thus, begins the terrible chain of events that befall Glass. I kind of know why people joked (I hope they were joking) that DiCaprio's character was raped by a bear in the movie because the bear attack is so horrific. However, it's repulsive that people made such a big deal about the alleged bear rape, when there is an actual rape of a woman depicted in the film. These same people didn't seem to bat an eye about that.
After seeing the film I understand why this film was so miserable to shoot. 'The Revenant' is merciless, primal, and unrelenting. Thankfully the film's difficult subject matter is juxtaposed against the breathtaking beauty of the wilderness and incredible cinematography. The word "revenant" is defined as "a person who returns" or "a person who returns as a spirit after death." Lets just say that the book and the film are well titled. If you haven't seen the film yet I won't spoil it for you as to why.

Plot: Jay (Maika Monroe), a young woman becomes infected by a “sexually transmitted” paranormal curse. Wow, that's a new one. You can see from the trailer that her new lover has “issues.” He sees things that aren't there and chloroforms her immediately after they have sex. Jay embarks on her own personal odyssey to find Hugh, all the while trying to avoid this nameless fear following her.

Even if it does, all you need to do is solve the equation of how fast the thing travels versus how fast you can travel. Mind you, traveling requires money. So if you needed to settle down in a place you would need to live somewhere where you can commute to where you worked and went to school. So if you lived in suburb of Detroit, Michigan you would need to commute to 2 hours to somewhere in Indiana. It would take the demon about 15 hours to follow you one way. Mind you commuting would every day and worrying about having to flee in a moment's notice would totally suck. You wouldn't be able to have a family...especially not a baby or a toddler. Ain't no way I can leave the house in 5 minutes. Clearly I have thought far too much about this.
Unlike other supposedly strong female character's Rey isn't the least bit angsty, bitter, or cynical. For some reason Hollywood has a tendency to depict strong female characters as "bitchy"-- case in point this year's 'Jurassic World' and 'Terminator: Genisys,' or even the original Princess Leia. Portraying a strong female character as a male hater full of piss and vinegar is Hollywood's favorite cliche (next to showing women in bikinis in action movie trailers). I am so grateful to J.J. Abrams and writer/director Lawrence Kasdan that my little girl can watch 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' and look up to Rey as a future geek girl in training (and dare I say it...even buy her action figure). That may not seem like a big deal, but it is.
'The Force Awakens' is not a deep film discussing an important social topic, but it's a passionate love letter to the fans, dripping with nostalgia. 'The Force Awakens' was filled with so much love and a much needed homage to the original 'Star Wars: A New Hope.' People may get irritated that 'Star Wars' is over hyped and it is, but the reason this franchise is so popular is because it makes people happy. That's what George Lucas couldn't understand in the prequels.
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I had originally wrote a lovely sentence about how gracious George Lucas was to bow out and let someone else take over...then Lucas opened his mouth. Not content to take his $4 billion dollars and shutup, Lucas decided to have a temper tantrum. He claims that he sold 'Star Wars' to "white slavers." Yeah that actually happened. Lucas has since apologized, but outbursts like this make it even harder to take Lucas seriously.
Damon is well cast as the sarcastic and humorous Watney and the rest of the cast is equally wonderful. The film is not without flaws. Thankfully Scott knows his way around a scifi film. Like most Scott films, the character development could have used a little work, but 'The Martian' is still one of the best films of the year. See my full review here.

The real show stopper is Benecio Del Toro, who plays his best role in years. In the hands of a lesser actor this role could have been over the top, but Del Toro knows subtlety. Most of Del Toro's scenes are expressed with little to no dialogue, just with his eyes and body language-- all the marks of an incredible actor. Del Toro definitely deserves at least an Oscar nod this year. See my full review here.

So when 'Mad Max: Fury Road' came out I was reluctant to see it. Boy was I wrong. 'Sicario' is a close second, but this movie is by far my favorite film of 2015. Unfortunately Hollywood is way too pretentious to give this film any accolades, but if I were giving out Oscars, this film would receive Oscars for everything. EVERYTHING. See my full review here.

That's my number one of the year! Just a batcrap crazy film.
ReplyDeleteCool that you mentioned Sicario.
Several I have not seen yet, including the Revenant.
And as a dude, that scene in Bone Tomaahawk disturbed the heck out of me...
Ha, I know that scene was super disturbing! I'm not surprised we have the same #1. I'm going to pay your site a visit!
DeleteSo many great choices, so many I have not seen... I cannot get enough of the MAD MAX: FURY ROAD, something different every time. I totally respect the list you have made, you always bring the best to the table... I hope Leo gets his message, he isn't that boy on the Titanic anymore!
ReplyDeleteI agree! It was so nice to see Leo win a golden globe last night! I hope the Oscar follows. Thank you!
DeleteReally happy The Revenant made the cut here. That was my favorite of the year. Also love that Bone Tomahawk is on your list. That definitely is destined for cult status.
ReplyDeleteHi Alex! Thanks. Yes, I agree. I am glad I waited until January to finish my list. A lot of good films came out in late December. Bone Tomahawk was just so wonderful. Definitely a cult classic.
DeleteI can't wait to see Bone Tomahawk. Like...where did this movie come from? All of a sudden, everyone loves the hell out if it!
ReplyDeleteGreat list, BTW!
Thanks Fisti! oh you should totally see 'Bone Tomahawk.' It did kinda come out of nowhere. Kurt Russell joked that he's getting so old that they're telling him "ahead of time" that his film is a cult classic. It was a funny interview.
DeleteGreat list! I hope Sicario gets acknowledged come Oscar time!
ReplyDeleteI was really surprised that it didn't receive any love from the Golden Globes. I hope Blunt and Del Toro at least get nominations. It was a great film.
DeleteGreat list, and thanks for all the work you put into it! So sad to say that I haven't seen most on the list, but I'm so looking forward to Sicario, Bridge of Spies, The Big Short...and pretty much all of them. lol The Martian and Mad Max: Fury Road truly rocked! They're my top faves of last year. I'm a little, possibly, too excited for The Martian get nominations out of everything.
ReplyDeleteHa, there are quite a few films I haven't seen 'Spotlight.' I heard that film is brilliant. Unfortunately there just aren't enough hours in the day. perhaps is I was a full time critic I would be able to see all the award season films, but I got stuff to do! :) I think you'll really enjoy Sicario and The Big Short. Bridge of Spies is solid, but not unique in any way.
DeleteFantastic list. You got me excited about a few movies that have been sitting in my queue. Bone Tomahawk I passed on but after Hateful Eight I can do some violence.
ReplyDeleteHa ha. Yes, you should see 'Bone Tomahawk.' It was awesome, but cray cray! I haven't seen the Hateful 8 yet.
DeleteExcellent list! Quite a few of these made mine too. I love seeing Bone Tomahawk here, that film was wild.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness that film was insane, but good. Definitely a new cult classic of mine. I loved your Revenant review.
DeleteWoo hoo!! We share the #1 movie Mariah. I LOVE LOVE Fury Road and rooting for it at the Oscars. I also have The Martian and The Big Short on my top 10 and a few on my Honorable Mentions. I posted mine early Jan but wish I had waited as I'd have included the foreign film PHOENIX on my top 10.
ReplyDeleteHi Ruth! Thank you. I haven't seen the 'Phoenix' yet. There were so many good films that were released too late for my list. I wish I could have seen them all!!
DeleteGreat selection of movies with Mad Max and Star Wars leading the way. I haven't seen Sicario but with Del Toro as a villain - its a win, win. I found the Martian fascinating. The astronaut Watney is convincingly enthusiastic about his survival for obvious reasons.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I loved the Martian. It was so well done. Del Toro is a very complicated character in 'Sicario.' I'm not sure if he's the villain, but he's definitely not the hero.
DeleteBADASS list especially with inclusion of It Follows (loved your math work there :P), Spy, BoneT and obviously Fury Road!
ReplyDeleteHa ha thanks! I knew that I really loved that movie when I started the math equation!
DeleteGreat list! Love your top 2 picks! Sicario is also one of the best films I've seen this year.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Oh Sicario could have been #1 were it not for Fury Road. Fury Road was just flawless.
DeleteEntertaining read! So far I've only seen 4 from your top 10. Mad Max was great escapist cinema with amazing action. It Follows had a great concept, even if it wasn't as scary as I hoped it would be. Loved the return to form of Star Wars, it was funnier than some comedies, and the cast were likeable. I'm already looking forward to E8!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I really liked 'It Follows.' I didn't realize how much I liked it until I was doing the math equation! Like you I didn't find it as scary as I thought it would be, but it did give me a nightmare that night. I guess mission accomplished 'It Follows!'
DeleteSo far I've only seen 1, 4, 5, and 7. Really enjoyed all of them. Pleasantly surprised to see Spy make the cut. I had a blast watching that one. Still need to see the others.
ReplyDeleteOh you should definitely see Sicario. I think you would like it! I loved Spy. It was so much fun to watch.